Sunday, June 19, 2011

Memorial Weekend

First chocolate animal crackers- yummy- I know, I want to eat him too

 Uncle Tyler is driving?

Proud little fisherwoman

Cole got baptized in the lake that weekend!

Jenni was showing Noelle and me her Kettle bell workout

Long, fun day

Sunday, June 12, 2011

May highlights

"And God, you can text us any time you want. Amen."- Payge
"Mommy, I want Peter Pan to take me to Neverland."- Payge

"Dadadada"- Myles
"Whaaaa, my teeth hurt!"- Myles
"Pupunzel!"- Haydee (about her favorite movie Tangled)
"Mommy can you put some hiccup on me?"- Haydee (when I am putting make-up on)
"Streck it"
"Slick it"- Payge and Haydee's cooking words
"Tuck it"- what they do to "serve" mommy every morning when they make their bed.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The One Thing No One Ever Tells you About Sex

A great subtitle to, "What are You Waiting For? by Dannah Gresh,but I got way more out of this than just "one thing" that no one ever tells you. Refreshing honesty that not only the generation facing peer pressure can learn from, but also for those who want answers to struggles they may face from giving into peer pressure of the past. As a mom of young daughters and an infant son, I don't yet have to give the 'birds and the bees' talk, but I feel so much more equipped to answer the questions and fears they will face in the future. Some more conservative parents might shy away from the descriptive words used, but trust me, if your teenager has even seen the cover of today's magazines they need to read this book. This isn't just a book on STD's or teen pregnancy, it goes so much deeper and really answers questions *every* person faces.
Dannah Gresh uses clear references to scripture to back up every chapter topic while weaving in personal stories that help illustrate her point. She even goes back to the original Hebrew/Greek to help explain what God's word is trying to show us.
Trust me, you won't need to worry about forcing your teenager to read this book. Just leave it lying around and they will be sure to pick it up and be hooked.
***"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review***