Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Dirtbay!

I couldn't think of a better title for Haydee's third birthday, since this is how it sounds when she and Payge say, "Happy Birthday". The excitement this week from both girls was both overwhelming and contagious. My precious "dd" is a whole 3 years. Unbelievable, yet she has the maturity, at times, of a young woman ten times her age. Beautiful, charming, imaginative, dreamy, joyful, full of energy,eclectic,sensitive and loving; these words just begin to describe my fascinating youngest daughter, second and middle child. Her position as unique as she is!
Testing out the new (to her) scooter.

Dress up time! Usually, several times a day.

Now, understand, she did get several of her own gifts, but I found a great deal on Craigslist and we've needed to add to our riding options. The girls have been doing a great job of sharing them, thankfully they both hold equal enjoyment!
The birthday outfit gift! She loves to wear dresses, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to add to her wardrobe.
What a week. Glad it is over, but sad as well. The Lord has blessed us so much. I am grateful for every moment He gives us.


Jessica said...

So cute! Happy Birthday Haydee! I love the squeals when she opened the dress :)

heart4thenations said...

Oh. My. Goodness. This is adorable. I especially love Payge being so eager to have her open more gifts!! HA! How precious! : ) Thank you for sharing. Oh, and you should record Myles crawling and sitting up and post it! :)