Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Super Summer Challenge

My mother-in-law wrote a book based on what she used to do with her kids in the summer. My sister- in-law also has enjoyed doing this with her four kids and so have many other moms who have heard about SCC. I wasn't sure the girls would be ready this year, but when Haydee put the silverware away out of the dishwasher on her own the other day, I thought I would give it a try! After a bit of reading and a little work last night, I had it ready to go for the "first" day of summer this morning.
They already have several points and are really excited about earning their prizes. I made the goals small; weekly then monthly, then one big summer one to work towards. One week is like a year to them these days, so I wasn't sure they would get it, but I hope after this week they will! I gave them some small gifts to help them along with their goals; sewing cards, work books, etc and it was like Christmas morning. I got at least an hour of play time out of them this morning, so I say it was worth it!
Right now, I just have four weeks on our chart, that way I can reevaluate the system and the learning goals. We will see how the month of June goes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked looking at your chart yesterday and seeing some ideas that I had not thought of (like the re-tell or draw a Bible story)!