Monday, December 14, 2009


We loaded back up in the car just a few weeks later to celebrate Thanksgiving in Tennessee,even though our last minute trip with my family was just a few weeks before this. This had already been planned as we take turns with our families each year ; one side gets Christmas, the other gets Thanksgiving. It's hard to have to choose between the two, but I am so grateful both families are at least within a days drive. Our time together was sweet and the girls added plenty of funny moments. One of the days was warm and sunny and we took the opportunity to take some pictures at the neighborhood park. We also got to take in a Civil War candle light ceremony and tour an old historic mansion.
Sadly, the end of our trip was marked by another family loss, something at this time I won't go into. Nonetheless, it is a sharp reminder to not take one day on this earth with our loved ones for granted. Our lives are so richly blessed by the love and health we enjoy, thank you Lord and thanks to each of our friends and family who help make this life full of joy.

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