Sunday, December 5, 2010

Recent quotes

I wish I had been better about doing this before, but lately both girls have been saying some of the cutest things. Some might not be as interesting if you don't know the whole story, but this is more for my sake.
"Merry Crikmas!" - Payge
"This is actually pretty good!" - Payge
"Paygey"- Haydee
"We need to give our old puzzles away now" - Haydee
"My daddy is the best daddy, he is precious to me." Payge
"I'm not picking his toes, mommy!" Payge

1 comment:

hisartistaj said...

hehehe! Never a dull moment! Love it! hehehe! I can't wait to hear the stories in person in just 19 days! :)