Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter preview

We got an amazing package from a family friend filled with all these fun treats for the girls! They had a blast playing with them all afternoon and we had to pry them away in order to leave for church. When we got home they insisted on taking them to bed with them- literally, they slept with them all. This morning at 6:15 I heard little hands turn on their light switch. In hopes to get a little more time before facing the day I went into their room to tuck them back in. What I saw was Haydee with her hat on her head, backpack on her shoulders, duck tucked under her arm while pulling her little suitcase around the room. Oh, how I wish I had a video.
Here are the pictures that will be sent with a huge thank you.

1 comment:

hisartistaj said...

Love it! I have the song the Little white duck song going through my head right now... :) So cute!